Progress Report 15

Continuing bleak wet weather and water-logged ground conditions, along with the non-availability of Mario, my main contract per-way person, have delayed any further construction works on Pete’s Hobby Railway for some weeks. And accordingly, the preparation of further Progress Reports!

Stage 1 construction works will firstly involve a short track extension (10 metres) on the street frontage to get the line across my driveway, thus allowing the two locomotives and carriages to be moved clear of the pigstyed track originally intended for unloading direct from a road vehicle. As you may recollect from an earlier Progress Report, the wet weather and waterlogged grounds had prevented the unloading of the overhauled items transferred from Goulburn on 30/6 last by this method on 1/7, with a Franner crane brought in instead to unload. Part of the train consist is standing on the start of the raised (pigstyed) track, so it is necessary to move the train off this section which will allow the track to be moved to its permanent ground level location.

A brief break in the adverse weather saw Ben and myself on the afternoon of Monday 15/8 marking out the route of the rail track in semi-circular westerly direction to the western boundary then back towards the from of my humble abode. The line is to come no closer than five metres from adjacent property boundaries – in the attached image, Ben is spiking the site of the future track at six metres clearance. The right-of-way was marked out with a die and then sprayed with a poison to kill the rapidly growing grass/weeds. Hopefully, all will be clear if you follow the site plan included in Progress Report no. 7.

Ben spiking the site of the future track at six metres clearance

Ben spiking the site of the future track at six metres clearance

Although dated 29/8/2016, this Progress Report was not posted until 10/9/2016. Progress Report No. 16 will cover construction of the driveway level crossing, while Progress Report No. 17 should cover the commencement of track extensions towards the western side boundary.

Pete’s Hobby Railway
29 August 2016

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