Progress Report 07

I thought you would be interested in this plan of the proposed Pete’s Hobby Railway. It has been prepared by Bob Stack, to whom I am most grateful!

Pete's Hobby Railway -- Proposed Layout as at 11-04-2016

Pete’s Hobby Railway — Proposed Layout as at 11-04-2016

Download the PDF of Pete’s Hobby Railway Proposed Layout as at 11-04-2016

At this stage, the planned layout does not have final Council approval (on 24th April, the Development Application will have been with Council for twelve months), although I do have approval for the laying of the first 150 metres or so as a test track. This will allow noise level recordings to be undertaken as required by Council. The 150m will start at the level crossing just in from the front gate and complete the semi-circle to the west and end up just over a second level crossing and in the “house lawn” in front of the house. It is likely that the right-hand point will be laid in, with a short dead-end siding which will allow for very limited shunting to take place and thus facilitate the acoustics monitoring.

That’s all for this Report.
Pete’s Hobby Railway

8 thoughts on “Progress Report 07

  1. Where the drive crosses over the rail line, are you going to have boom gates and bells? There are countless level crossings being removed a flea hop from here. You could salvage some.

  2. Thank you for your inquiry.
    As the access gate from the street to my driveway will be closed during times the railway is in operation, there will be no need for boom gates and bells – quite apart from the cost/labour of purchasing, transporting and installing same! Under the provisions of the National Rail Safety Law, I am not able to allow entry to the site by the general public, however they will be able to view operations from outside my boundary fence on advertised operating days.
    Pete’s Hobby Railway

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