These Progress Reports were originally emailed to people had indicated an interest in the progress of the development of “Pete’s Hobby Railway”. Now I’m posting them online for anyone to follow.
While formal approval for the construction of Pete’s Hobby Railway is still tied up with the local Council, thanks to a formal objection by a nearby resident, Junee Shire Council has given approval for the construction of a 150 metre “test track” on a “no guarantee of approval forthcoming, and at your own risk”.
I am required to obtain an Acoustics Report from a qualified acoustics engineer as to the sounds created by the Hobby Railway, which of course cannot be accurately obtained
without being able to run the train.
It is a classic case of which comes first – the chicken or the egg?
At some other time, I may go through the hassles that I have been having in this regard.
The first tentative steps were undertaken on Monday 25th January last, when twelve tonnes of road base were delivered – purchased through the Council.
This would allow for the commencement of construction of the right-of-way.
2016-0476: This started on Thursday 4/2 with Mario in charge of the bulldozer, scraping back the surface soil over the first 20 metres or so.
2016-0477: Road base was then dropped along the cleared right-of-way.
2016-0480: The road base was raked level by Mario preparatory to being rolled. Ben is in the background, taking a breather. What a way to spend my birthday! Saturday, 6/2.
2016-0485: I was in charge of watering the road base, but deputed these activities to Rhys, our “gunzel in training”.
Further progress reports will follow shortly.
Any comments and/or feedback (or encouragement!) will be greatly appreciated.
Pete’s Hobby Railway