In Progress Report No. 18, mention was made of the proposed construction of a platform near my front driveway – along with the background story to it being named LOFTUS.
Preliminary works were undertaken when, with the aid of the ‘dozer, we attempted (not totally successfully!) to provide a straight track for the platform facing. Bad luck – not completely straight, so Josh will have to work around it!
Image 2016/4456 – Having cleared the access from my driveway through my “garden” to the proposed station area, Mario commences to clear the base area adjacent to the railway. Sunday, 30/10/2016.
Image 2016/4458 – Straightening out the curvature – may-be! Sunday, 30/10/2016.
Image 2016/4669 – Having already marked out the centreline for the uprights to support the platform edging, Josh commences to manually bore the necessary holes. Monday, 7/11/2016.
Image 2016/4671 – The general site of the future platform, with Josh continuing to bore that hole! Monday, 7/11/2016.
Image 2016/4682 – The concrete for the first upright is poured – or should it be “shovelled”? Note the timberwork (and spirit level), to ensure a constant distance for the uprights from the railhead. Tuesday, 8/11/2016.
Image 2016/4749 – The platform facing timbers are cut precisely to length by Josh, as Ben is busy in the background on the ride-on lawn mower, attempting to keep what passes for lawn, to a respectable condition. Wednesday, 16/11/2016.
Image 2016/4751 – Inserting the platform facing timbers. The metal uprights will later be covered by hollowed-out timber uprights. Wednesday, 16/11/2016.
Image 2016/4752 – The platform facing gradually takes shape. Wednesday, 16/11/2016.
Image 2016/4795 – The completed platform face. A top “edge” is still be to be added, while an agricultural drain will be laid for the full length behind the timbers, before backfilling. Tuesday, 22/11/2016.
To be continued in a further Progress Report.
Pete’s Hobby Railway