During the first week of November, we had an intensive four days carrying out track extensions and other works on Pete’s Hobby Railway. With a large number of volunteers on site (well, large for PHR!), Nick offered to provide lunches all round – financed by PHR, of course. The menu for each day was slightly different, but the first day commenced with a traditional Aussie barbecue. The images below record two of those lunches.
2016.4475: Rob can be seen helping himself to a hot serving off the grill, while Rhys is buttering up another roll for his next helping. In the background, Ben is already tucking into his hot roll. Track Ganger Gordon is hiding behind the veranda post with his roll, while Nick (the chef in the green T-shirt and half hidden by Rob) stands back to admire the results of his handiwork.
2016.4476: Rhys has moved up to make his selection from the hot-plate, Rob has a sausage on some bread and is about to add some sauce, while on the right is Lenny, mouth wide open as he tucks into his sausage sandwich. Track Ganger Gordon is patiently waiting for Rhys to make up his mind. Partly hidden in the background are two “new” side-tanks for the 1900 vintage Fowler locomotive while lying on its side is a vertical boiler – a possible future restoration project.
2016.4501 and 2016.4502: Two views of Chef Nicholas doing what he likes second best – preparing food. Devouring food (ideally on a Cruise Ship) is his number one choice! On the hot menu for today are sausages, sliced onions and chicken schnitzel. The first image also provides a better view of the “new” side tanks for the Fowler loco and the vertical boiler. On top of the side tanks are some Worthington steam pumps, along with a 1943-vintage steam-operated American-built stoker motor originally destined for one the of the NSWGR 58-class locomotives (5814-5825) that were never built.
The second half of the week, Nicholas cooked a meal of Party Pies, Sausage Rolls and Chicken Nuggets. The next day he (and his assistant Bronte) prepared Ham, Cheese and Tomato rolls (half of them had Hot English Mustard, the others didn’t). Of course, much to my discomfort, I ended up with one of the Hot English Mustard rolls!
Enjoy (the tucker!). Thanks from all of us, Nick… who also loaned the BBQ equipment.
Pete – PHR