Progress Report 11

The Big Move

Thursday, 30th June 2016

The move to transfer my overhauled Hunslet steam locomotive, the Ruston diesel and carriage from Goulburn to Junee had been delayed owing to continuing adverse weather conditions. However, the desire to move the items out of Goulburn became a growing necessity when it became known that Mario of Australian Train Movers was closing his business and handing over his prime mover/trailer to the new owner on Saturday 2nd July, meaning that the relocation need suddenly became of prime importance. [Update: Mario has since branched out into a more consultative role with Australian Train and Railway Services.]

The unsuitable condition of the ground at my residence meant that the original plan of unloading directly from the rear of the trailer onto the pig-stied rail track was no longer an option. The initial alternative proposal was to move the items into temporary storage until my ground dried out, but with ATM’s modified vehicle no longer available after Friday 1st July, another alternative of using a hired heavy duty road crane was decided upon – but that was before heavy overnight rains… as will be discussed in the next Progress Report.

Wednesday afternoon (29/6) was spent loading and transferring equipment necessary for the recommencement of track laying on Pete’s Hobby Railway – viz, a road roller (to harden the cleared formation – see Progress Report No. 1), dump truck (to move ballast around) and a crane (to assist in the actual laying of the track). The bulldozer, required to clear the future formation, was already on site.

After these were all unloaded the following morning, Mario took off for Goulburn, arriving a little before 1500 hours. We had less than two hours of sunlight (actually heavy cold cloud with occasional glimpses of the sun) until evening.

The Hunslet had been wheeled out of its undercover storage on temporary “track” into the open air, to make it a simple lift onto the trailer. This was followed by the Ruston, which was located elsewhere on the property and had to be moved about 50 metres, including through a narrow opening between the street boundary fence and a building, then finally the rebuilt/modified carriage, for which a forklift was used. All three only just fitted on to the trailer.

These are a small selection of the images that I took on the day.

2016-3001: Hunslet locomotive awaiting loading.

2016-3001: Hunslet locomotive awaiting loading.

2016-3013: Commencing the lift to load the Hunslet.

2016-3013: Commencing the lift to load the Hunslet.

2016-3017: On the ATM vehicle, ready to be chained down for transit.

2016-3017: On the ATM vehicle, ready to be chained down for transit.

2016-3029: Transporting the Ruston for loading

2016-3029: Transporting the Ruston for loading

2016-3031: And on to the truck.

2016-3031: And on to the truck.

2016-3037: Finally, a fork-lift is used to load the carriage.

2016-3037: Finally, a fork-lift is used to load the carriage.

I had invited long-time friend and railway enthusiast Leon Oberg, who resides in Goulburn, to be present to also photographically record the event. I understand that he will be reporting on same to at least one UK rail preservation magazine, as well as the local “Track and Signals” publication.

Mario departed Goulburn right on sunset… my group was not far behind. Luckily the threatened rains had held off during the loading operations, but as we headed southwards, the heavens opened – promising a difficult next day for unloading… but that will be covered in Progress Report No. 12!

Pete’s Hobby Railway.

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